Images are Struggling in the Corners of this Room, digital video with four-channel audio, 41 minutes, 2018.

Images are struggling in the corners of this room is a video installation that acts as an account of, and an imagination for, past and future iterations of an ongoing performance work of mine. This is not so much a documentation as it is a witness or testimony to private relationships that have developed, will develop, and are continuously developing through this work and through the conversations that surround it. By bringing together recorded audio of conversations, text that proposes a relationship, and video footage of a group in conversation, I bring together a number of bodies as a network of personal connections that initiates a community which grows from the initial one-on-one encounter of conversation and stories shared.
Image credits: Top image by Christo Crocker, all others artists own.
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.